Web-OPAC facility available on website 24 x 7 Click Here and also Install one computer for Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) is made available to the users to identify the status of availability of documents at the entrance of the library.
High-Speed Lease Line Free Internet Facilitywith 4 computers (UGC network resources centre) for staff and students.
Document Delivery Service (Electronic & Print).
Book Bank facilities.
Various CD-ROMs available for reference.
Smart ID-Cards with barcode label issued to the students for quick circulation. They are required to produce the same at the time of borrowing books, etc. in her name or availing different facilities. It enhances work efficiency of staff and save time of the users. Outsiders such as research scholars, alumni and others can also use the library facilities with the prior permission of the principal.
Newspaper clipping is filed annually and display on the board (News in Limelight) time to time.
New Arrivals: Library staff ensures that the information about any latest acquisitions/ developments are communicated to students by placing information on the notice board. The new additions of books and periodicals subscribed in the library are displayed to attract the students and teachers. Latest acquisitions/developments are communicated to users by placing information on the digital board as well.
We also provide information regarding new job-oriented courses, hobby column, vacancies, admission information for higher studies on the library notice board. Teaching faculty is also informed about the same by notices/circular.
Training to Diploma holders (lib. and Inf. Sci.).
Library has its own SMS service for sending messages of issue and return of books to the teachers as well as students.
Library Facilities
It remains open from 9.00 a.m. to 4.00 p.m.
Fully automated library (Barcoded) with LIMT software
54334 Text and Reference books
372 CDs/DVDs Available on variety of content
Open access and air-conditioned reference section
UGC Network Resource Centre for accessing e-resources
24 x 7 available Web-OPAC searching at different places in and outside the library via college website.
Separate reading section for teachers
Periodical reading section
Book Bank section for SC/ST/OBC and needy students.
Books are classified and arranged according to Dewey Decimal Classification Scheme(DDC 23rd edition).
Maintained hard volume of archives of different e-journals recommended by the faculty available on N-LIST.
Also precured old volumes of printed journals.
Maintained rare book section.
Reading and reference room is well maintained.
Fifteen-year university examination question papers are available in booklet form for consultation of users and also available on college website.
An open shelf reference section for users has been greatly appreciated and as a result the numbers of books consulted are increased considerably. Open shelf section included Reference books, General knowledge books, Encyclopedias, Atlas, Dictionaries, Thesaurus, Biographies and entry into services exam books like Civil services, Banking, Railways, Hotel management, UGC/NET/SLET, MBA, MCA, MAT, CAT, etc.
Books are also issued to students on the basis of refundable security during examination.
Magazines, newspapers and journals are issued to teaching staff for overnight.
Free service to alumni and retired staff and also concerned sister institutions.
In-House publication section contains college publication such as college newsletters and college magazine